Cookie Policy

Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um dir das bestmögliche Online-Erlebnis zu geben. Lass uns bitte wissen, dass du damit einverstanden bist, indem du weiter unten auf die Option "Akzeptieren" klickst. Falls du mehr über die von uns verwendeten Cookies herausfinden und eigene Cookie-Einstellungen verwenden möchtest, schau dir bitte unsere Cookie Richtlinie an.

Strictly necessary
Marketing / Third Party

Strictly necessary

Strictly necessary cookies guarantee functions without which this website would not function as intended. As a result these cookies cannot be deactivated. These cookies are used exclusively by this website and are therefore first party cookies. This means that all information stored in the cookies will be returned to this website.
Cloudflare is a service providing increased security and performance for websites. Cloudflare offers a content delivery network („CDN“) to improve the loading times of the website. The use of a CDN enables the user to make content available for retrieval more quickly with the help of regionally or internationally distributed servers. Provider: Cloudflare Inc., 101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA Cookie names and lifetimes: __cfruid (lifetime: session), __cf_bm (lifetime: 30 minutes), __cf_clearance (lifetime: 30 minutes)
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Functional cookies enable this website to provide you with certain functions and to store information already provided (such as registered name or language selection) in order to offer you improved and more personalized functions.
This cookie is used to unlock and display Vimeo content on this website. Provider: Vimeo, Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011 USA Cookie Names and Lifetimes: muxData (Lifetime: 20 years), _ssid (Lifetime: 10 years), language (Lifetime: 10 years), vimeo_gdpr_optin (Lifetime: 10 years), player (Lifetime: 1 year), _qca (Lifetime: 3 months), continuous_play_v3 (Lifetime: 2 months), vuid (Lifetime: 2 years), _derived_epik (Lifetime: 2 months), _ga (Lifetime: 2 years)
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Marketing / Third Party

Marketing / Third Party Cookies originate from external advertising companies (among others) and are used to gather information about the websites visited by you, in order to e.g. create targeted advertising for you.
Google Ads Conversion Tracking
This is a conversion tracking service from Google. This service records what happens after a click on an ad placed by us via Google Ads when a user subsequently visits our website. Conversion means measuring whether users perform a specific action on the website (e.g. whether a product is ordered in the shop) after clicking on an ad placed by us via Google Ads. This allows us to track which keywords, ads, ad groups or campaigns lead to the desired user interaction. Provider: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA or, if you are resident in the EU, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Cookie name(s): test_cookie, IDE, _gcl_aw, _gcl_dc_ Cookie Lifetime: 90 days
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Performance cookies gather information on how a web page is used. We use them to better understand how our web pages are used in order to improve their appeal, content and functionality.
Google Analytics
These cookies collect anonymous information for analysis purposes, as to how visitors use and interact with this website. Provider: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA or, if you are resident in the EU, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Cookie name(s):_ga, _gat and _gid) Cookie Lifetime: 2 years
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